So Many Voices Speaking To Us

Today we have the ability to literally listen to hundreds of voices in one day. Many of them are attempting to influence us, change our thinking, change our lifestyle, change our actions, or move us to some action that voice believes is correct. But out of all these voices only one is The Voice and sometimes it’s hard to hear because the others are so loud or so convincing. 

One of my favorite passages of scripture talks about The Voice. I am quoting it here from “The Voice” translation! John 1:1-5, “Before time itself was measured, the Voice was speaking. The Voice was and is God. This celestial word remained ever present with the Creator; His speech shaped the entire cosmos.”  Stop for a moment and re-read this and consider the immeasurable power of this Voice – speech that shaped the entire cosmos.

“Immersed in the practice of creating, all things that exist were birthed in Him. His breath filled all things with a living, breathing light – a light that THRIVES in the depths of darkness, blazes through murky bottoms. It cannot and will not be quenched. The true Light, who shines upon the heart of everyone, was coming into the cosmos.”

This is the only Voice we should be listening to, even over our own voice. Also – God’s light is shining on everyone – not just a chosen few – everyone. What they do with it is up to them but God’s light is not withdrawn – it shines on everyone, even the ones with voices of hatred and anger. God’s Word is always available to us - His voice, His will, His love, His instruction, and His example. Whenever I find myself judging the hater, I am reminded that God’s light is shining on them and my job is to pray for them and listen to The Voice. Whenever I find myself listening to a voice that sounds reasonable but is in conflict with my conscience, I need stop and listen to The Voice.  I don’t need to hate or fear the dark voices because God’s light thrives in the depths of darkness. He doesn’t stop speaking because of the loud, dark, hate-filled voices!  The Voice shaped the cosmos. How in the world can a few human voices stop that?  They can’t. They also cannot stop us from hearing The Voice unless we let them!

No matter what we see happening around us, none of it changes God. His will remains the same. His Word remains the same. Your own words, your own voice can change you for good or for bad. It can change and influence others. Your voice should be in agreement with The Voice. The Voice creates – it is a living force. Speaking the Word releases a creative force inside of you. Speaking thanksgiving and praise releases gratitude, joy, and peace and changes your focus. The negative words fall away and the dark area inside of you is flooded with light.

Of course, the reverse is also true. When you speak out the negative, the dark, the anger, the bitterness, your focus is turned to them and those words have power as well – the power to change you and take you down a dark path. It is easy to see this happening all around us as normal people allow voices of hatred to drive them forward into violence. Please remember the power of A voice and the power of The Voice. Take a moment to stop and listen to the beautiful and powerful voice of God as He speaks to you through the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you. Let it change you. Let it silence the other voices. Let His light flood back in and lift you up into His presence. Then choose carefully the voices you continually listen to – including your own!


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