This morning, my husband and I were talking about Isaiah 40. The entire chapter is the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, which speaks of those prophets of the Old Testament who were with the captives in their wilderness-state, as well as John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus in the New Testament. It calls to us to prepare ourselves, through repentance and faith. It assures us that all obstacles standing in the way of our deliverance will be overcome, both large and small. He has prepared The Way for us, but we have things He is asking us to do to prepare the way here, for Him to move in our lives. 

As my husband and I went our separate ways to begin our day, we focused on Is. 40:6-8.

6 “All people are like grass, and all their faithfulness is like the flowers of the field. 7 The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. 8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”

What struck us this morning were the words un-withering and un-falling. We don’t often hear those words to describe God. But He is 100% unwithering and unfailing! We must prepare the way in our heart and in our circumstance to see God’s goodness and deliverance, right here where we are. We do that by giving respectful attention to His Word. We all know the scripture is the written Word of God, and Jesus is the Word made flesh and that they are eternal. But let’s not neglect the Rhema Word, which is the voice of the Father speaking to us personally by the Holy Spirit. When we hear this Word, and we obey, it brings life to us like nothing else will.

I have three major things going on right now. Any one of these things would be all-consuming if that was the only thing happening in my life. With so much, and on so many levels, it has the capacity to overwhelm to the point of despondency.

On Friday, I was pondering what lies ahead and how much needs to be done in each area to get me through. As I took it all in, I was talking to the Lord about it. I asked Him for a plan or at least the first step that I need to take in each area. I needed Him to break it down for me, or I would only see the enormity of what needs to be done…and possibly do nothing. I don’t normally “shut down” like some people do when things seem insurmountable, but I have been known to put things off until I cannot ignore it any longer. So as I was standing and talking with Jesus, and surveying all that I need to do in each of these three areas, He showed me where I need to start. He gave me specific steps. I quickly opened my laptop and typed out what He was placing in my mind. For one of the “things”, He gave me an outline of the order of tasks I should do. For the second “thing”, He had me make a list to keep everything straight that I was doing. And for the third “thing”, He said to just keep on doing that next thing you know you need to do. 

I know that today, Monday the 7th of August, 2017, He has shown me what I am to do. He isn’t asking me to do everything. He doesn’t want me to concern myself with next week or with next month. He is asking me to trust Him.  All He told me to do today was just one thing. It isn’t glamorous, and it doesn’t seem like it’s something that will have any major impact on my “things”. But focusing on what He tells me to do today brings me peace.

Some things God asks us to do have a short window of opportunity for us to accomplish. Other things have a longer “shelf life”, and we are able to follow through even though it has been a year or two. Has God shown you something He wants you to do? Don’t live with guilt…ask Him if you are to do it today. Are you feeling overwhelmed like I was? Take time today to ask Him what He wants you to focus on, and give the rest of it to Him to worry about. Remember, He is able when we are not, and He has broad shoulders to carry what is wieghing on us. Let’s give it ALL to Him, and only carry today the one thing He wants us to do first. Now excuse me, I need to pull every single thing out of my bathroom. I am going to roll up my sleeves and sort, organize and conquer this one thing!

Following Christ daily— Tami Gaupp

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