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Walking this Life with Lanyap—

The Gift of hope for our hopelessness! The extra umph we need in hardship.


brimming over with the extra that inspires…



Rick addresses some societal constraints that prevent people from functioning as the Creator intends. To overcome the indoctrination taught throughout our society, Rick clears the confusion surrounding creativity, inspiration, and the creative process, while considering who is our audience. How we impart significance into works is also explored. When we apply these art concepts, we develop an enhanced maturity in our journey with God.


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Inviting the Author of Life to step into Your life and change your story.

That’s the Lanyap!


The Lanyap Life

The LAN-YAP Life is a life that overflows when it’s empty and can go from gut-wrenching sorrow to humming a tune the next moment.
— Tami Sorenson Gaupp

I need some of that!

Stuck living in the same cycles or enduring a long harsh season leads to the question, “Is this it? Is this my lot in life?”

No matter what’s going on inside of us or outside of us, God’s gift is strong and steady. It will be the one constant force that holds us when we accept it. Then we can say with confidence that His life in us and with us is so much MORE > than all the less than and emptiness crashing down on us. It is MORE powerful than the strongest wave and fiercer than the strongest storm. We need that kind of strength and fierce love in our life.

Check out the Journey to Wholeness booklets…

and let Dick Sorenson show you how to remove those blockages that are interfering with your ability to receive from God.