God Uses Nonsensical Things

Oh, I have a serious case of spring fever! Winter has lasted long enough and I need the sun. I’m thinking that if I put on my swimsuit, crank up the heat, turn on all the lights and listen to the Beach Boys it may help to brighten my mood. And if that works, I wonder if anyone would notice if I begin wearing my suit under my clothes until it warms up? 
Sometimes we have to do things that seem silly to get us through tough times, but that’s ok if it’s effective. I remember a time in my life when I was fighting an invisible illness and I seriously didn’t know if I would make it through the day. My husband encouraged me to get up early, take a cup of coffee onto the back porch, and watch the sunrise. I thought, “how is that going to fix anything?”, but decided to go ahead and give it a try. As I watched the sun rise up over the mountain that next morning, it reminded me of the wonder and beauty of creation. But more than that, I was reminded of the magnificence and sovereignty of the Creator. It was as if God tapped me on the shoulder and gently reminded me of His awesome power, and at the same time, His attentive concern for what was going on in my “little world”! Then after that, for a time, I felt led to light a candle in the morning and have it burn all day long. It really helped me through that cold winter season of my life. Every time I would glance at that candle throughout the day, I would remember God is still on the throne. It’s hard to explain the peace this would bring to me, or even why it would. But sometimes God uses nonsensical things to speak to our hearts and His creative ways to spark life back into us. 

I pray that God would do the same for each of you that are going through hard times, like a long winter season. And as you may be looking ahead, longing for spring, that you would know and experience the freshness of new life and joy in the here and now! Remember, He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. (Ephesians 3:20)

Now excuse me, I have to go put on my swimming suit and light a candle! [Tami]


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