Nurture & Guard Your Heart

Whatever God is whispering to your heart today, let it take root. Do it just as if He were planting it in the fertile soil of your heart. Be on the look out for other issues, growing underground like an unseen weed. Have you ever had a morning glory creeping vine sneaking into your flower bed? It’s able to wrap around a large healthy plant, entangling it to the extent of suppressing and preventing it’s growth. The same happens within the heart.

Guarding our heart isn’t a defensive stance we take out of fear. It’s not like when we build up walls around ourselves after we’ve been hurt. It requires an offensive action from us. The act of guarding our heart is a powerful thing. It’s necessary to nurture and protect the work God is doing in us, much like a gardener protecting young seedlings to ensure their survival. 

Let’s keep a watchful eye on our hearts. And not place ourselves in vulnerable places, but instead, surround ourselves with the healthiest conditions to produce growth. It calls for a serious reality check to steward what He’s given to us. It’s our responsibility! If we want more... we must be faithful in what He’s currently given and He will strengthen and bless it with growth and NEW LIFE!
