The Lanyap Life

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Proverbs 25

This morning, as I was preparing to follow our format of posting something, I heard the Lord say to do something different for today. So let’s do it! 

Today is September 25th, so let’s all read Proverbs 25 together. As you read through the chapter, listen for a verse that stands out to you, quickens a thought, or reminds you of something. God often speaks to us by this type of “quickening”, where we have an image or thought in our minds that’s suddenly there as we are reading the Word, praying or spending time interacting with Him. This interaction with the Lord is increased as we interact and share with each other. So, I invite you to comment what verse stood out to you, or a thought or impression that came as you read it. I will go first…

 Verse 20 stuck out to me…

“Like one who takes away a garment on a cold, day or like vinegar

poured on soda, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart”

Sometimes we try to encourage others with an adrenalin-filled, energetic burst of hope and faith. One lady who was grieving the loss of her daughter, told me horror stories of things other women had said to her. Although these women may have been well-meaning, their approach was insensitive. I pray God would give me mercy and wisdom in how to best encourage those suffering a heavy heart.

Would love you hear what verse from Proverbs 25 stuck with you today…

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