The Lanyap Life

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I Am His Sweetheart

Everyone longs to feel special; to be the delight of someone’s heart. We desire a safe relationship with someone we can trust not to hurt or betray us. God is The One who will not hurt or betray us. We can trust Him because He always keeps His Word and never lies. He is our faithful friend. We look for a friend who values our thoughts, opinions and always listens; a friend who will always love and never leave. I looked up the definition of sweetheart in Webster’s Dictionary. It said, “A person with whom one is in love.”

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5 (GNT)

I never thought of God being my sweetheart, but when I looked at the definition and this scripture I realized that describes my relationship with God. 

These are the song lyrics I wrote when I was asked to sing at a Valentine’s Banquet. Let these words bless you, as you reflect on how much God loves you.  

~ Donna Sorenson ~

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