The Lanyap Life

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Expecting Joy in A New Season

In Ecclesiastes 1:9 it says there is nothing new under the sun, and that it has existed for ages.When we discover new information or insight, for that moment we believe we know something no one else knows. But in reality, God is giving us a piece of His eternal wisdom. What may feel like a new discovery to us, has more to do with timing. God deals with us in seasons of our life and interacts with our family in generations. I have become more aware of this in the last four years, since both of my parents passed away.  “A generation goes and a generation comes.” Ecclesiastes 1:4

For weeks I have been singing this old, familiar song:

“There is a time for everything and there is a season,

God has planned everything and He has a reason.

A time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to be born, and a time to die, 

There is a time for everything, everything.” 

As I review the seasons in my life, several things run through my mind. My first thought is, I am so thankful to the Lord that His plans for me were good. Thankfulness has become a large piece of my life. The second thing that comes to me is how time has made a change in me. Every new experience and lesson learned brought increased maturity and freedom to my life. It does not happen all at once, it happens one step at a time. 

I now look back on the busy days of nurturing and raising two kids. I think about the new season and joy I experienced as a grandma to my two grandsons. I think about how my joy has increased as a Great-Grandmother, as of 11 months ago. This gave me the new title of “GG”, and automatically placed me in a different generation and a new season. 

Each of us has experiences that are unique to us, but we will each experience the change of entering different seasons. For most of us, change doesn't come easily. We can get stuck by longing for the goodness of yesterday, and overlooking the goodness God has planned for us today. But we can expect His joyful surprises in our future. He has new things planned for us and His mercies are new every morning!  This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice! And enjoy!

Blessings, Donna Sorenson

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